Rules Overview
Our leagues not only make playing fun but also helps introduce the basic rules of each sport. This is a league where playing by the rules doesn’t mean you can’t have any fun. We make it fun to be a kid again.
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Please review the league overview for rules and equipment prior to the start of the league.
Play365Sports co-ed basketball league is a Hoop it up style that allows players to play a 3v3 half-court game. Players are able to show off their skills. Adjustable hoops and appropriately sized basketballs are used. Our convenient league times provide families options to accommodate multiple children and busy schedules. Basketball seasons are offered year-round at selected locations.
B1-3 Players Divisions
AGES 6 – 7 AGES 8 – 10 AGES 11 – 12
AGES 13 – 15 AGES 16 – 17
B1-1 Start of Games
Each game will start with rock, paper, scissors. The winning team will have one of two options, choose to play offense first or choose to play on defense. Every player must wear their Play365Sports flag football league shirt each week to participate in games.
The league will use and provide a size (27.5-29.5) inch ball for each game. All baskets will be between 8ft –10ft and adjusted based on age division. All players are required to wear a mouthguard while on the field of play.
AGES 6 – 7: Basket- 8 feet, Ball-28.5
AGES 8 – 10: Basket- 10 feet, Ball- 28.5
AGES 11 – 17: Basket- 10 feet, Ball- 29.5
B1-3 Players per team
Each team must consist of a minimum of (3) players on the court (2 children and 1 adult) at all times and a maximum of 6 players per roster. Rosters will be closed and finalized by the end of week 2.
B1-4 Duration of Play
There will be two (2) 16-minute halves. There will be a 1-minute half time. Each team is permitted one (1) time out per half, A timeout is 30 seconds and the clock will stop for those 30 seconds. During the first half there is a running clock and will not stop. The clock will only stop in the second half, once it is 1-minute and under.
B1-5 In Play
- No double teaming or trapping allowed 6-10 -year old division
- Pics and Screens are not allowed for 6-10 -year old division
- Backcourt violations will be called as out of bounds
- Rules such as traveling and double dribbling will be called more loosely in 6-7 age division.
- No free throws will take play on fouls
- The team that started the game on offense will start the second half on defense.
- Jump balls situation will be placed at the three-point line.
- All change of possessions must be take behind the three-point line before the offense can score a basket
B1-5 Uniforms
- Players must wear the officially issued Play365Sports shirt of the current season for games.
- All jewelry (i.e. barrettes, rings, necklace, string bracelets, eye rings, etc.) are prohibited.
- All players must wear rubber sole sneakers. sandals, flip flops, crocs are NOT prohibited.
- All players are required to wear a mouthguard while on the field of play.
B1-6 Substitutions
Players can only sub in on a dead ball possession. Players must check in at the scores table get the referee’s attention and wait for the whistle before subbing. Play will resume with the referee’s whistle once a sub is completed. The clock does not stop during substitutions. If a team substitute their only adult player the opposing must also substitute their adult player.
B1-7 Defense
Ages 8 and under, parents are not able to block or steal ball from children players. Ages 9u-17u parents are able to play “normal” defense on all players. Men may not block a women’s shot attempt. Any contact with the ball on a shot attempt will be considered a goaltending violation and will result in awarding Two points for all 2 point shot attempts and 4 points for all attempts behind the 3-point line. All defensive rebounds off missed shots must be taken back behind the three-point line at the top of the key before scoring.
B1-8 Scoring Rules
Parents are only able to score a maximum of 10 points per game. All points scored by parents beyond the limit will not count towards final score. After every made basket the ball will reset and must be played in from the top of the key.
B1-9 Fouls
Ages 12 and under players cannot foul out, age division 13-17 are allowed 6 fouls per game. Once a team reaches 10 total team foul’s they will be placed in the penalty and each foul after will award the opposing team a foul shot attempt. Foul shooter will shoot 1 shot for 2 points for age division 8- 17 with a running clock. No free throws are shot at the 6-7year old division. Any foul that is committed will have the other team take the ball out from out of bounds
B1-10 Tie Breakers
In the case of a tie there will be a 3-minute overtime period. If there is still a tie at the end of the 3-minute period, then there will be a free throw shootout. In the case of a free throw shootout each team will choose three (3) shooters to take a free throw. Only 1 adult shooter is permitted during a shootout.
B1-11 Season Schedule
The season will run for 7 weeks. During the season every team will play at least two games in one day so that each team will have played 8 games during the season. During the last day of the season the top 2 teams will play their regular season games and then a second game for the championship.
Basketball Overview Rules
- Players on the court (2 children and 1 adult) per team
- Ages 8 and under, parents are not able to block or steal ball from children players.
- Timing: Two 20-minute running halves
- Parents are only able to score a maximum of 10 points per game.
- Defensive rebounds must be taken back behind the three-point line at the top of the key.
- Ages 12 and under players cannot foul out, age division 13-17 are allowed 6 fouls per game.
- Each made foul shot is awarded 2 pts
- All change of possessions must be taken behind the three-point line before the offense can score a basket
5v5 Flag Football
Our fast-paced non-contact flag football leagues are quickly becoming one of the most exciting youth sports programs in the Tampa area. Teams play 5 on 5 with the offense having 3 downs to advance to midfield for a first down and another 3 downs to reach the end zone to score a touchdown. We took the collisions and tackling out of our game but left all the good stuff like throwing, catching, juke moves, and trick plays. We still think fast feet, great hands, and a strong arm are all key ingredients for a great game on the gridiron. We do not do any tackling or blocking at this level. But you be sure to practice your best touchdown dance routine because it’s flag football time. Our convenient league times provide families options to accommodate multiple children and busy schedules. Football seasons are offered year-round at selected locations.
F1-3 Players Divisions
AGES 6 – 7 Junior ball AGES 8 – 10 Junior ball AGES 11 – 12 youth ball
AGES 13 – 15 official ball AGES 16 – 17 official ball
F1-1 Start of Games
Each game will start with rock, paper, scissors. The winning team will have one of two options, choose to serve first or choose which side they prefer to play on, (not both). Each game will count in the overall standings for regular-season standings. Every player must wear their Play365Sports flag football league shirt each week to participate in games.
The league will use and provide a junior size 6 or 7 balls for each game. Along with 6 flags and belts per team. Each player on the field (5 offensive and 5 defensives) must wear two (2), official Play365Sports Football Flags provided by the league. There may NEVER be more than five players on the field at the same time. All players are required to wear a mouthguard while on the field of play. Sharpen your teamwork skills as you plan your offense and defense on the field.
F1-2 Players per team
Each team must consist of a minimum of (5) players on the field (minimum 1, maximum 2adults) at all times and a maximum of 10players per roster. Rosters will be closed and finalized by the end of week 2 no additional players will be added.
F1-3 In-Play
The defense may rush will be as follows: 1-1000, 2-1000, 3-1000, GO!! The defense may rush on the word Go.
The quarterback may run even when not rushed, except when within 5 yards of the end zone, and after the ref says “Go” for the rush count.
- There is no contact at or behind the line of scrimmage
- Parent QB must alternate possessions
- Once defender immediately removes offensive player flag the play is dead.
- Offsides shall be called when either the defense or offense is guilty of passing over the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped.
- No blocking is allowed this includes downfield.
- One play per offensive possession must include a female player.
- All players on offense are eligible pass receivers.
- Receivers only need one foot in bounds with possession of the ball to be considered a catch.
- Receivers who catch the ball with both feet off the group and land with one foot in bounds and one foot out of bounds the rule is an incomplete catch.
- Receivers become ineligible receivers when they step out of bounds then come back in without having been forced out by a defender or by a ‘member of their own team.
- Receivers MAY leave the field and reenter and still be eligible if forced out of bounds by a defender.
- A defender who runs out of bounds and then returns in bounds without having been forced out of bounds by a member of the opposing team, is ineligible to intercept a pass or lateral thrown by the offense.
- This rule applies to any forward pass made from behind the line of scrimmage. Pass interference will be called when a pass is in the air, either the receiver or defender touches the other before one of them touches the ball.
- Stripping of the ball once a reception has been made is NOT be allowed
Defensive pass interference which occurs during “regulation play period will result in ”
- Automatic 1st down
- If on the last play of the game, the offensive team will be given an extra down to try to score.
- A ball carrier is down when: ○ Either flag is detached from his belt ○ When a player is touched after his flag(s) have fallen off or have been pulled of prematurely by a defender. ○ The ball touches the ground ○ One knee touches the ground.
- Prematurely removing an opponent’s flag with the obvious intent of making the offensive player ineligible to become a ball carrier will result in a 10yard penalty from end of play or line of scrimmage, whichever penalty is greater.
- If the QB’s flag is pulled while in a ‘forward throwing’ motion, the pass is allowable.
- A defensive player may pull the receivers or ball carriers flag as soon as the ball is touched from having been thrown, lateraled or handed off from the QB.
- If the receiver juggles the ball and subsequently completes the catch, the ball is marked dead at the deflagging spot.
- A defender may NOT push or knock a ball carrier out of bounds. There will be a 10yard “illegal contact” penalty assessed for this Infraction. “Excessive Contact” penalty assessed to a defender is subject to game ejection.
- If the deflagging occurs as a last attempt effort to prevent a score, a touchdown will be awarded.
- Tackling Is PROHIBITED! Tackling is defined as grasping and/or encircling the body or clothing of the ball carrier with a hand or arm, thus impeding the runner’s progress which leads them to the ground.
- Penalty for tackling shall be 15 yards and if in the opinion of the referee, prevented a score, a touchdown will be awarded.
- The defender will be disqualified if the act was flagrant enough to cause injury, whether the injury occurred or not
- The ball carrier may not deliberately run over or drive into a defensive player. ○ The ‘stiff arm’ is illegal.
- The ball carrier may not advance the ball by diving or sliding forward. If the ball carrier dives or slides forward in an attempt to advance the ball, the ball is down where the runner’s feet left the ground.
- The ball carrier shall not protect his flags by blocking with hand, arm or stop the opportunity of an opponent to remove their flag. A loss of down shall be assessed for this infraction.
- When a backward pass or player drops the ball and it hits the ground, it becomes dead at the spot and belongs to the last team in possession at the spot where it hit the ground.
- When the offense fumbles in their own end zone, a safety is called.
- Intentional grounding by the QB in his own end zone to avoid a sack is considered a safety.
- A center snap must side snap, so long as the ball is touching the ground at the start of the play. ● If the QB muffs the ball to the ground after a snap, it is dead where it first touches the ground. ● A false movement of the football by the center after he is set shall constitute a false start penalty.
- All start of possessions resulting from a touchdown or touchback, will begin play on the 20 yd. line.
- change of possession will occur when a team has used all 4 down without getting a first down.
- A defensive player intercepts the ball
The following behavior can result in player or players involved in the action being disqualified.
- Any verbal badgering of officials.
- Any derogatory language between opposing players.
- Side line players are subject to the same disqualification for abusive, obscene or badgering language to either opposing players, spectators, or officials.
- Profanity, fighting or rough or injurious play do not need warnings in order to cause the player to be ejected.
F1-4 Players per team
Each team must consist of a minimum of (5) players on the field (3 children and 2 adult) and a maximum of 10 players per roster. Rosters will be closed and finalized by the end of week 2.
F1-5 Duration of Play
There will be two (2) 20-minute halves. There will be a 1-minute half time. Each team is permitted one (1) time out per game. During the first half there is a running clock and will not stop. The clock will only stop in the second half, once it is 1-minute and under.
F1-6 Uniforms
- All players must wear the officially issued Play365Sports shirt for the current season.
- No article of clothing may cover any portion of a player’s flag.
- Player’s shorts may not be the same color as their flags
- Shorts or pants with pockets are not allowed
- All players must wear shoes or rubber cleats. Removable metal cleats, baseball spikes, track spikes, or any shoes that have steel or metal tips are prohibited.
- All players are required to wear a mouthguard while on the field of play.
- All jewelry (ie: barrettes, rings, necklace, string bracelets, eye rings, etc.) are prohibited.
F1-7 Substitutions
Players can only sub on a dead ball. Players can sub on ANY dead ball. Players must get the referee’s attention and wait for the whistle before subbing. Play will resume with the referee’s whistle once a sub is completed. The clock does not stop during substitutions.
F1-8 Scoring Rules
Touchdowns can be scored on the offensive or defensive half of the field. Once touchdowns scored by parents reach 3 for team any touchdown scored after will not count towards final score. Touchdown —6 points
- PAT — (2 points from 10) (1 point from 3) *Any 2point PAT attempt intercepted by the defense and returned for a score will be worth 6 points
- Safety —2 points
- Forfeit Game — 7-0 game.
- PAT’s will begin with the ball on the 10 yd. line. After PAT, the ball will begin play on the 20 yd. line.
- After a safety, the ball will be placed on the 20 yd for the offense.
F1-9 Tie Breakers
In the case of a tie score at the end of regulation overtime will occur and first possession will be determined by a coin flip. Each team will start at the 20 yard line and given 3 downs to score a touchdown. In the event that both or neither teams score a touchdown a second overtime will take place in which both teams most go for an 2pt conversion after scoring a touchdown.
F1-10 Season Schedule
The season will run for 7 weeks. During the season every team will play at least two games in one day so that each team will have played 8 games during the season. During the last day of the season the top 2 teams will play their regular season games and then a second game for the championship.
- Each team consists of no more than 7 players on the field at one time
- Teams play with minimum of 2 females on the field
- Teams will have 40 mins to play a game (2-20min halves)
- 1 play every 4 downs must include a female player
- Blocking or Tackling are not allowed
There’s a reason soccer is the most widely played sport in the world. Play365Sports features a fast and fun fast paced 3 v 3 soccer league in Tampa which allows (2 children and 1 adult) on the field together as one team. Our convenient league times provide families options to accommodate multiple children and busy schedules. Soccer seasons are offered year-round at selected locations.
B1-3 Players Divisions
AGES 3 – 5 AGES 5 – 7 AGES 8 – 10
AGES 11 – 12 AGES 13 – 15 AGES 16 – 17
S1-1 Start of Games
Each game will start with rock, paper, scissors. The winning team will have one of two options, choose to serve first or choose which side they prefer to play on, (not both). The game will start with the ball place at mid-field. Each game will count in the overall standings for regular season standings. Every player must wear their Play365Sports soccer shirt each week to participate in games.
The league will use and provide a size four (4) or five (5) ball for each game. All goals will be 6ft Portable goals. Shin guards and cleats are not required, but highly recommended. All players are required to wear a mouthguard while on the field of play.
AGES 3 – 11: Size 4 AGES 12 – 17: Size 5
S1-3 Players per team
Each team must consist of a minimum of (3) players on the field (2 children and 1 adult) and a maximum of 6 players per roster. Rosters will be closed and finalized by the end of week 2.
S1-4 Duration of Play
There will be two (2) 20-minute halves. There will be a 1-minute half time. Each team is permitted one (1) time out per game. During the first half there is a running clock and will not stop. The clock will only stop in the second half, once it is 1-minute and under.
S1-5 In Play
Ages 7 and under, parents are not able to steal ball from children players but they may intercept a pass. The ball is out of play when (a) it has wholly crossed the goal line or sideline, whether on the ground or in the air, or (b) when the game has been stopped by the referee. The ball is in play at all other times. Once ball is played out of bounds, a player from the opposite can throw or kick in to resume play. Players are not considered offsides. A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in or kick-in. Players who deliberately denies an opponent places a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by their hand out to stop the ball from going into a goal will be penalized and result in a penalty shot on open goal. Reckless or using excessive force: (c) kicks, (d) trips, (e) lunges at, (f) charges, (g) strikes, (h) pushes. Offsides will not be enforced
S1-6 Player Behavior
A player is cautioned and given a yellow card if he commits any of the following offences: (a) unsporting behavior, (b) shows dissent by word or action (c) guilty of serious foul play, (d) guilty of violent conduct, (e) spits on an opponent or any other person. SLIDE TACKLING IS NOT ALLOWED.
S1-7 Uniforms
- Players must wear the officially issued Play365Sports shirt of the current season for games.
- Player’s must wear athletic shorts or athletic pants.
- All players must wear shoes or rubber cleats. Removable metal cleats, baseball spikes, track
spikes, or any shoes that have steel or metal tips are prohibited.
- All jewelry (barrettes, rings, necklace, string bracelets, eye rings, etc.) are prohibited.
S1-8 Substitutions
Players can only sub on a dead ball. Players can sub on ANY dead ball. Players must get the referee’s attention and wait for the whistle before subbing. Play will resume with the referee’s whistle once a sub is completed. The clock does not stop during substitutions.
S1-9 Scoring Rules
Goals can be scored on the either the offensive or defensive half of the field. Players cannot score from a kick-off position. Once 3 goals scored by parents on a team is reach any goal scored after will not count towards final score. A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in or kick-in position. Parents combined are only able to score a maximum of 3 goals per game per team.
S1-10 Tie Breakers
In the case of a tie there will be a 3-minute golden goal period. The first team to score will be declared the winner. If there is still a tie at the end of the 3-minute period, then there will be a penalty shootout. In the case of a penalty shootout each team will choose three (3) shooters to take an open net shot from mid-field. Only 1 adult shooter is permitted during a shootout.
S1-11 Season Schedule
The season will run for 7 weeks. During the season every team will play at least two games in one day so that each team will have played 8 games during the season. During the last day of the season the top 2 teams will play their regular season games and then a second game for the championship.
Soccer Overview Rules
- Players on the field (2 children and 1 adult) per team at a time
- Handballs in the penalty box results in a penalty kick
- Timing: Two 20-minute running halves
- Parents combined are only able to score a maximum of 3 goals per game per team.
- No offsides
Parents and children love Play365Sports volleyball league because Our goal for each player who joins our league is to have fun, socialize and have the opportunity to actively participate with family members or friends on a team to create a memorable experience. No prior volleyball experience is required. Best of all, Play365Sports volleyball leagues are coed and designed to be fun for boys and girls ages 7-17. Our convenient league times provide families options to accommodate multiple children and busy schedules. Volleyball seasons are offered year-round at selected locations.
V1-1 Players Divisions
AGES 6 – 7 AGES 8 – 10 AGES 11 – 12 AGES 13 – 15 AGES 16 – 17
V1-2 Start of Games
Each game will start with rock, paper, scissors. The winning team will have one of two options, choose to serve first or choose which side they prefer to play on, (not both). Each match will consist of three games. Each game will count in the overall standings for regular season standings. Every player must wear their Play365Sports volleyball shirt each week to participate in games.
The league will use and provide an appropriate size ball for each game. All nets will be adjusted to age division at a height of 6ft-7ft.
AGES 6 – 7: Nerf Style ball
AGES 7 – 10: Volleyball Lite (Official Size, but Lighter Weight)
AGES 11 – 17: Regulation sized volleyball
V1-4 Players per team
Each team must consist of a minimum of (6) players on the court (4 children and maximum 2 adult) at all times. A maximum of 10 players per roster. Rosters will be closed and finalized by the end of week 2.
V1-5 Duration of Play
There will be three (3) 15-minute matches. There will be a 1-minute intermission between matches. Each team is permitted one (2) time outs per game. During each game there is a running clock and will not stop. The clock will only stop once it is 1-minute and under of each game.
V1-5 Uniforms
- All players must wear the issued Play365Sports shirt for the current season and league.
- Knee pads are recommended but not required
- Player’s must wear athletic shorts or athletic pants
- Jewelry may NOT be worn on any player’s arm or neck
- All players must wear rubber sole sneakers. sandals, flip flops, crocs are NOT prohibited.
V1-6 In-Play
A legal serve is one where the crosses the net and is either touched by an opposing player or lands within the opposing team’s area of the court within the boundary lines. A serve is legal as long as the ball is not caught or carried. Teams will play two 15 minutes matches and one 5minute match if the first two games are tied. For the first two games the highest score or the first team to reach 21 points at the end of the 15 minutes will be declared the winner for that match. In the third match the highest score at the end of the five minutes is declared the winner.
- A player may NOT reach over the net to block a ball. A defensive block is not allowable for ages 10 and under division.
- Players can return the serve by: a. Bump pass b. Clasping their hands together c. A closed fist d. A set (as long as the ball is not caught or carried)
- Players may NOT spike the ball
V1-7 Substitutions
Players can only sub in on a dead ball. Players must check in to the scores table and get the referee’s attention and wait for the whistle before subbing. Play will resume with the referee’s whistle once a sub is completed. The clock does not stop during substitutions.
V1-8 Scoring Rules
All games are played first team to reach 21 points except for the third and final match which is 5 minute timed.
V1-9 Tie Breakers
In the case of a tie there will be a 3-point overtime period. The first team to score 3 points will be declared the winner.
B1-11 Season Schedule
The season will run for 7 weeks. During the season every team will play at least two games in one day so that each team will have played 8 games during the season. During the last day of the season the top 2 teams will play their regular season games and then a second game for the championship.
- Each team consists of no more than 6 players on the court at one time
- Teams may play with any combination of males and females on the court
- Teams will have 35 mins to play a 3game match (15 min, 5 min each)
- First Team to 21 points wins.
- All sets will play using all-rally scoring rules and no sideouts
Floor Hockey
There isn’t any better way to get the thrill of hockey without the skates. Playing in Play365Sports floor hockey leagues allows the face pace excitement of hockey in a smaller area. This all leads to more scoring and more fun. No skating experience needed just a good pair of running shoes. Our league is perfect for newbies who have never played before as well as those with a few seasons under their belts. Play365Sports Floor hockey leagues are offered year around.
H1-1 Players Divisions
AGES 5 – 7 AGES 8 – 10 AGES 11 – 12 AGES 13 – 15 AGES 16 – 17
H1-2 Start of Games
Each game will start with rock, paper, scissors. The winning team will have option to choose to which goal they prefer to shoot on first. Each game will consist of three periods. Each game will count in the overall standings for regular season standings. Every player must wear their Play365Sports hockey shirt each week to participate in games. Our convenient league times provide families options to accommodate multiple children and busy schedules. Hockey seasons are offered year-round at selected locations.
The league will use and provide an appropriate size stick and puck for each game. All goals will be adjusted to age division at a height of 6ft-7ft. Stick handguards
AGES 6 – 10: 36” inch stick height
AGES 11 – 17: 42” inch stick height
H1-4 Players per team
Each team must consist of a minimum of (4) players on the court (3 children and 1 adult) at all times. A maximum of 6 players per roster. Rosters will be closed and finalized by the end of week 2.
H1-5 Duration of Play
There will be three (3) 15-minute periods. There will be a 1-minute intermission between periods. Each team is permitted one (2) time outs per game. During each game there is a running clock and will not stop. The clock will only stop once it is under 1-minute left in game.
H1-5 Uniforms
- All players must wear the officially issued Play365Sports shirt for the current season.
- Gloves are recommended but not required
- Player’s must wear athletic shorts or athletic pants
- Jewelry may NOT be worn on any player’s arm or neck
- All players must wear rubber sole sneakers. sandals, flip flops, crocs are NOT prohibited.
- All players are required to wear a mouthguard while on the field of play.
H1-6 In-Play
A puck is considered out of bounds if it is hit or deflected by a player and crosses the out of bounds lines. The referee will place the puck closest to where it went out of bounds. Teams will play three 15 minutes periods,
- Shoulder checks or pushing from behind are not allowed.
- A player may NOT block the goalkeeper from the puck.
- Players may NOT use their feet to step on the puck to prevent the puck from an opposing player.
H1-7 Substitutions
Players can only sub in on a dead puck. Players must check in to the scores table and get the referee’s attention and wait for the whistle before subbing. Play will resume with the referee’s whistle once a sub is completed. The clock does not stop during substitutions.
H1-8 Scoring Rules
A legal goal is one where the entire puck crosses the line. After every goal the referee will reset the puck at the center floor. Parents combined are only able to score a maximum of 3 goals per game per team.
H1-9 Tie Breakers
In the case of a tie there will be a 3-minute overtime golden goal period. The first team to score a goal will be declared the winner. If after the period no one scores a goal a 3 player shoot out will take place.
H1-11 Season Schedule
The season will run for 7 weeks. During the season every team will play at least two games in one day so that each team will have played 8 games during the season. During the last day of the season the top 2 teams will play their regular season games and then a second game for the championship.
- Each team consists of no more than 4 players on the court at one time
- Teams can play with any combination of male/female on the court
- Teams will have 45 mins to play 3 periods (15 min, each)
- Parents combined are only able to score a maximum of 3 goals per game per team.
- Overtime periods are golden goal and then shootout
- Players must wear mouthguard
Time to relive your elementary school P.E glory days and dust off the shoes and bring out the cannon for a good old fashion game of dodge ball. Play365Sports dodgeball league is a great way to get some exercise in a fun and active way. Best of all, Play365Sports dodgeball leagues are coed and designed to be fun for boys and girls ages 6-17. Since our leagues are offered year around find out when our nest season closest to you starts.
D1-1 Players Divisions
AGES 6 – 8 AGES 9 – 12 AGES 12 – 15 AGES 16 – 17
D1-2 Start of Games
Each game will start with rock, paper, scissors. The winning team will have one of two options, choose to the side of the court they would like to play on. The official will place 6 balls at the center line for each team. Every player must wear their Play365Sports kickball shirt each week to participate in games. Our convenient league times provide families options to accommodate multiple children and busy schedules. Dodgeball seasons are offered year-round at selected locations.
- A team may rush with as many or as few players as it wants, but at least one person from each team has to Rush.
- There is no limit to how many balls an individual player may retrieve.
- Players may not slide or dive head first into the neutral zone or they will be called out.
- Crossing over the neutral zone will result in an “out.”
- Players may not physically grab and pull another player across the neutral zone or prevent them from returning to their side of the court.
The league will use and provide an appropriate size ball for each game.
D1-4 Players per team
Each team must consist of a minimum of (8) players. Teams must have at least two (2 females, adult or child) to start the game. Rosters will be closed and finalized by the end of week 2.
D1-5 Duration of Play
A game will consist of five 5 minute matches or 35 minutes. There will be a 1-minute intermission between matches. Each team is permitted one (2) time outs per game. During each game there is a running clock and will not stop.
D1-5 Uniforms
- All players must wear the officially issued Play365Sports shirt for the current season.
- Gloves are allowed but not required
- Player’s must wear athletic shorts or athletic pants
- Jewelry may NOT be worn on any player’s arm or neck
- All players must wear rubber sole sneakers. sandals, flip flops, crocs are NOT prohibited.
- All players are required to wear a mouthguard while on the field of play.
D1-6 In-Play
Eliminate all opposing players by getting them “out.” A player is declared out if:
- A player hits an opponent with a thrown ball, before it hits the ground and BELOW THE SHOULDERS
- Any thrower committing a headshot will be deemed “out.”
- A player catches an opponent’s thrown ball BEFORE it makes contact with the ground
- A player cross over any boundary lines
- Players will be called out if a ball they throw is caught by the opposing player.
- Deflections off the floor or the official do not count as an out if caught.
- Player cannot be called out off a deflection from another player.
- If a player partially blocks a thrown ball and the ball makes contact with the person’s body, he/she is out (hands and wrists are considered part of the ball).
- If a player throws a ball and it deflects off an opposing player; as long as the ball is caught prior to being called dead (hits the floor, referee, wall, or other) the player who threw the ball is out.
- If a player catches an opponent’s ball, the first teammate to go out, will then be allowed to come back into the game.
- Players who have been called out cannot retrieve stray balls for their teammates, or that ball will be given to the other team.
D1-7 Substitutions
The only other time a player may enter the game is during timeouts or in the case of injury. In games, men must be substituted for men players and women must be substituted for women, teams are not allowed a cross gender substitution.
D1-8 Scoring Rules
The game is over when all of the players on one team are eliminated or the time for the round has lapsed, resulting in the team with the most players remaining winning the round. If both teams still have members at the end of an allotted amount of time, the winning team will be the one with most players.
D1-9 Boundaries
All players must remain in boundary lines unless going to retrieve a ball. When retrieving a ball, players must pass through the end line and immediately re-enter the playing area through the end line. A player not immediately re-entering the playing area will be declared out. A player may be handed a ball, provided the player receiving the ball remains completely within their team’s field boundaries.
D1-10 Season Schedule
The season will run for 7 weeks. During the season every team will play at least two games in one day so that each team will have played 8 games during the season. During the last day of the season the top 2 teams will play their regular season games and then a second game for the championship.
- Each team must consist of a minimum of (8) players. Teams must have at least two (2) women
- A player cross over any boundary lines is deemed “out”
- Each team consists of no more than 8 players (2 must be females) on the court to start a round ● Games will consist of 5 seven-minute rounds
- All thrown balls must be directed to the chest area and down
Parents and children love Play365Sports kickball league because our goal for each player who joins our league is to have fun, socialize and have the opportunity to actively participate with family members or friends in a team sport to create a memorable experience. No prior kickball experience is required. Best of all, Play365Sports kickball leagues are coed and designed to be fun for boys and girls ages 6-17. Our convenient league times provide families options to accommodate multiple children and busy schedules. Kickball seasons are offered year-round at selected locations. That’s why we have the ultimate league in Tampa, 50% Kickball + 50% Bragging rights = 100% Excitement.
K1-1 Players Divisions
AGES 6 – 8 AGES 9 – 12 AGES 12 – 15 AGES 16 – 17
K1-2 Start of Games
Each game will start with rock, paper, scissors. The winning team will have one of two options, choose to kick first or option to play in the outfield (not both). Each game will last 7 innings. Each game will count in the overall standings for regular season standings. Every player must wear their Play365Sports kickball shirt each week to participate in games.
The league will use and provide an appropriate size ball for each game.
K1-4 Players per team
Each team must consist of a minimum of (8) players on the field at least (5 children) at all times. Teams must have at least two (2) women. A maximum of 11 players per roster. Rosters will be closed and finalized by the end of week 2.
K1-5 Duration of Play
There will be seven (7 innings) 45-minute games. Any game may be ended at the discretion of the umpire after 5 innings, if losing by 10 or more runs at the end of the 5th inning due to the mercy rule.
K1-5 Uniforms
- All players must wear the officially issued Play365Sports shirt for the current season.
- Gloves can be worn but not required
- Player’s must wear athletic shorts or athletic pants
- Jewelry may NOT be worn on any player’s arm or neck
- All players must wear rubber sole sneakers. sandals, flip flops, crocs are NOT prohibited.
- All players are required to wear a mouthguard while on the field of play.
K1-6 In-Play
The batting order must alternate between a female and two males (MMFMMFMMF). This can be adjusted as long as there are never three males kicking consecutively. If a team does not have enough females to meet the gender requirement a female may kick again to fill the spot needed. If the female is on a base, they must be replaced by a male base runner. The team must notify the umpire of the number of female players prior to the start of the game. If a pitching team does not have enough players for a catcher then the kicking team may use a player to serve as a catcher.
Fielders must stay out of the base line unless they are attempting to tag a runner out or catch a ball. Runners unfairly hindered by a fielder within the baseline shall be safe to the base to which they were running.
- A count of three (3) strikes is an out.
- A count of four (4) balls advances the kicker to first base.
- There is a 7-run limit per team, per inning. Once 7 runs are scored that half inning is over.
- If a team is winning after the top of the 7th inning and is set to kick in the bottom of the inning, the game ends.
- Balls must be pitched by underhand. NO BOUNCIES.
- All kicks must be made by foot or leg, below the knee. Any kick that is considered a half-kick or not a full swing of the leg will be deemed a bunt resulting in a strike.
- A player can NOT steal more than one base per kicking cycle.
K1-7 Substitutions
Players can only pinch run for a player if a female must kick and the team doesn’t have enough female players.
K1-8 Scoring Rules
Hitting a runner above the shoulder is not allowed. Any runner hit above the shoulders is safe and advances to the base they were running toward when the ball hits the runner. Runners must stay within the base line. Sliding is NOT allowed on any base.
- Interference is physical contact or blocking the base path that would hinder the runner getting to the base.
- Base Running on Overthrows; No more than one extra base on an overthrow.
- Running past another runner is not allowed. The passing runner is out.
K1-9 Tie Breakers
In the case of a tie at the end of the 7th inning, teams will play 1 extra inning and will automatically start with one out and a player on 2nd base. In extra innings a maximum of 3 runs will be allowed before the half of the inning is over or 3 outs whichever comes first.
K1-10 Season Schedule
The season will run for 7 weeks. During the season every team will play at least two games in one day so that each team will have played 8 games during the season. During the last day of the season the top 2 teams will play their regular season games and then a second game for the championship.
- Each team consists of no more than 9 players on the field at one time
- There is a 7-run limit per team, per inning
- Teams will have 7 innings or 45 mins to play. 1 Extra inning
- The batting order must alternate between a female and two males (MMFMMFMMF).